[Check_mk (english)] Bind Failed with xinetd and Check_MK
Daniel Cox
2018-11-02 20:48:18 UTC
I have been trying to get the Check_MK agent onto our Linux systems. 
When I do the install of the agent RPM and xinetd it doesn't seem to
work even though the agent script does.

I have run a "status xinetd.service" to see what is going on with the
service and get the following

|xinetd[1533]: bind failed (Address already in use (errno = 98)). service
= check_mk xinetd[1533]: Service check_mk failed to start and is
deactivated. |

So I figure there is some kind of issue. The only thing I have found so
far is when I do a "netstat -antelup |grep -i 6556" I get the following

tcp6 0 0 :::6556 :::* LISTEN 0 17995 -

Which I am reading as the 6556 port (which the agent uses) is open on
IPv6, however, IPv6 is disabled on this system. So I am sure there is
some simple thing to fix this as an issue but I don't think I have the
Linux chops to do it on my own. So I am asking for anyone's insight into
this issue and if there are any other things I can do to find the issue.
Thank you for your time and insight.

More information that may or may not be useful. After doing an "ss
-tulpn" I get the following output.

tcp LISTEN 0 128 :::6556 :::* users:(("systemd",pid=1,fd=51))
*Daniel Cox*
Active Directory System Administrator
***@axs.tv <mailto:***@axs.tv>
o:303-542-5548c: 720-580-3269