Mäkelä, Antti
2018-10-01 11:40:24 UTC
Is there any mechanism for having an "OR" filter for dashboards (or views), for hosts and services? Or otherwise complex filter conditions?
Case example here is that we want a view where we:
List all services (or hosts) that are in state WARN/CRIT/UNKNOWN
Are flapping, regardless of state
So that we can see objects that are flapping even when they momentarily happen to be in "OK" state.
We are running CMK 1.4.0 series. Does 1.5.0 address this concern?
Is there any mechanism for having an "OR" filter for dashboards (or views), for hosts and services? Or otherwise complex filter conditions?
Case example here is that we want a view where we:
List all services (or hosts) that are in state WARN/CRIT/UNKNOWN
Are flapping, regardless of state
So that we can see objects that are flapping even when they momentarily happen to be in "OK" state.
We are running CMK 1.4.0 series. Does 1.5.0 address this concern?
- Dr. Antti Mäkelä | Senior Architect | CCIE #20962 -
- Vintor Oy, Itsehallintokuja 6, 02600 Espoo | www.vintor.fi -
- Dr. Antti Mäkelä | Senior Architect | CCIE #20962 -
- Vintor Oy, Itsehallintokuja 6, 02600 Espoo | www.vintor.fi -