[Check_mk (english)] Backups failing in 1.5.0p5
Jain, Ashish (NBCUniversal)
2018-10-17 19:41:09 UTC
All, I am unable to troubleshoot any further.. any direction is appreciated.. it is backing up on local system and have enough free diskspace.. not sure why backups are failing.

OMD[prod]:~$ more /omd/sites/prod/var/check_mk/backup/daily.state
"bytes_per_second": 1047002.3395014257,
"finished": 1539777633.469728,
"next_schedule": 1539864000.0,
"output": "2018-10-17 05:00:03 --- Starting backup (Check_MK-ushaplp00577.tfayd.com-prod-daily to backlocal) ---\n2018-10-17 05:00:03 Found previous incomplete backup. Cleaning up those files.\nSi
te backup failed: Failed to perform backup: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer\n\n",
"pid": 14617,
"started": 1539777603.036374,
"state": "finished",
"success": false
