[Check_mk (english)] Monitoring for failover network path: check_traceroute
Ron Skantz
2018-10-18 14:11:05 UTC
So we have several network failover scenarios in place across our internal network.

When failures occur, key devices remain up but the network path will change.
I want to monitor for these network path changes.

I am somewhat familiar with the traceroute command and I see that there is a check_traceroute plugin.
Even with the help page I am still not sure how to use this check to determine that a route has changed.
How do you reference a "ROUTE" and then a possible alternate "ROUTE" with this command?
I can't find a single example any place.

Here is the help output for the check_traceroute plugin:

check_traceroute -{c|w|C|W} ROUTE [-{o|c|w|O|C|W} ROUTE...] TARGET

Check by which routes TARGET is being reached. Each possible route is being
prefixed with a state option:

-w Make outcome WARN if that route is present
-W Make outcome WARN if that route is missing
-c Make outcome CRIT if that route is present
-C Make outcome CRIT if that route is missing

Other options:

-h, --help show this help and exit
--debug show Python exceptions verbosely
-n disable reverse DNS lookups
-I Use ICMP ECHO for probes
-T Use TCP SYN for probes

Thank you kindly for any example information you can provide.


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Tost, Lance
2018-10-18 17:31:30 UTC
Basically, I define a "host" for each of our gateway addresses. Then I use this plugin to verify routing to the gateways. The option ROUTE is a single IP (maybe more than one? I only use one) that you expect to see or NOT see in the traceroute.

So basically "-C" would alert critical if is NOT part of the route to your host. Keep in mind that this check must run on a different site than the host you are monitoring (assuming you are checking WAN routes)... otherwise, the traceroute would not cross the WAN.


From: checkmk-en <checkmk-en-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de> on behalf of Ron Skantz <***@barnhardt.net>
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2018 10:11:05 AM
To: checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de
Subject: [Check_mk (english)] Monitoring for failover network path: check_traceroute

So we have several network failover scenarios in place across our internal network.

When failures occur, key devices remain up but the network path will change.

I want to monitor for these network path changes.

I am somewhat familiar with the traceroute command and I see that there is a check_traceroute plugin.

Even with the help page I am still not sure how to use this check to determine that a route has changed.

How do you reference a “ROUTE” and then a possible alternate “ROUTE” with this command?

I can’t find a single example any place.

Here is the help output for the check_traceroute plugin:

check_traceroute -{c|w|C|W} ROUTE [-{o|c|w|O|C|W} ROUTE...] TARGET

Check by which routes TARGET is being reached. Each possible route is being

prefixed with a state option:

-w Make outcome WARN if that route is present

-W Make outcome WARN if that route is missing

-c Make outcome CRIT if that route is present

-C Make outcome CRIT if that route is missing

Other options:

-h, --help show this help and exit

--debug show Python exceptions verbosely

-n disable reverse DNS lookups

-I Use ICMP ECHO for probes

-T Use TCP SYN for probes

Thank you kindly for any example information you can provide.


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