[Check_mk (english)] LDAP nested groups - CheckMK User Management
Chagas, Paulo
2018-10-29 11:23:06 UTC
Hi All,

I’m trying to give a special CheckMK role to a LDAP Group that is members are other ldap groups, tried to use the option "Handle nested group memberships (Active Directory only at the moment) “ under “Attribute Sync Plugins” with no luck

Any Advice ??

Thanks in advance
Paulo Chagas | GTO – CIC – Senior Consultant
Portugal | CGI
Sintra Business Park, edifício 9, Abrunheira, 2710-089 Sintra | Portugal
M: +351 93 683 0258
***@cgi.com<mailto:***@cgi.com> | www.cgi.com<http://www.cgi.com/>
Thomas Wittmann
2018-10-29 17:41:47 UTC
this is an advice out of experience: if using LDAP sync (not only for
Check_MK in particular) against MS AD, try to avoid nested groups.
It will make you headaches for nothing. :-)


Am Mo., 29. Okt. 2018 um 12:28 Uhr schrieb Chagas, Paulo <
Post by Chagas, Paulo
Hi All,
I’m trying to give a special CheckMK role to a LDAP Group that is members
are other ldap groups, tried to use the option "Handle nested group
memberships (Active Directory only at the moment) “ under “Attribute
Sync Plugins” with no luck

Any Advice ??
Thanks in advance
*Paulo Chagas **| GTO – CIC – Senior Consultant*
*Portugal |** CGI *
*Sintra Business Park, edifício 9, Abrunheira, 2710-089 Sintra | Portugal
M: +351 93 683 0258*
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Chagas, Paulo
2018-10-30 14:22:32 UTC
Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your feed-back, just managed to do what I wanted, with just one ldap connector and nested groups :

Here is my working config (user_connections.mk) :

{'active_plugins': {'alias': {'attr': 'uid'},
'email': {},
'groups_to_roles': {'admin': [(u'CN=CheckMK Admin,OU=Manual,OU=Distribution Lists,OU=X,OU=Y,OU=Corporate,DC=Z,DC=com',
'nested': True,
'read_only': [(u'CN=${NESTED_GLOBAL},OU=Manual,OU=Distribution Lists,OU=X,OU=Y,OU=Corporate,DC=Z,DC=com',
'servicedesk_pt': [(u'CN=ServiceDesk,OU=Manual,OU=Distribution Lists,OU=X,OU=Y,OU=Corporate,DC=Z,DC=com',
'superadmin': [(u’CN=SuperAdmin,OU=Manual,OU=Distribution Lists,OU=X,OU=Y,OU=Corporate,DC=Z,DC=com',
'bind': (u’cn=${USER},ou=Service Accounts,ou=X,ou=Y,ou=Corporate,dc=Z,dc=com',
'cache_livetime': 7200,
'comment': u'2018-10-26 omdadmin:\n',
'debug_log': False,
'description': u'CheckMK Users/roles',
'directory_type': 'ad',
'disabled': False,
'docu_url': '',
'group_dn': u’CN=${NESTED_GLOBAL},OU=Manual,OU=Distribution Lists,OU=X,OU=Y,OU=Corporate,DC=Z,DC=com',
'group_filter': '(objectclass=group)',
'group_member': 'member',
'group_scope': 'sub',
'id': ‘internal_id',
'port': 50009,
'server': ’something.com<http://something.com>',
'user_dn': u’ou=Y,ou=Corporate,dc=Z,dc=com',
'user_filter': '(&(memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=${NESTED_GLOBAL},OU=Manual,OU=Distribution Lists,OU=X,OU=Y,OU=Corporate,DC=Z,DC=com))',
'user_id_umlauts': 'keep',
'user_scope': 'sub’},

How it works :

1 - All users belonging to ${NESTED_GLOBAL} will have automatic readonly acess to CheckMK.
2 - To get Admin privileges our ServiceDesk team will have to add the user or group to the "CheckMK Admin” group in the AD.
3 - If needed the Service Desk team can login to CheckMK and sync_users, this is optional as the users get refreshed every 2 hours (cache_livetime).

Main TRICK is in user_filter to scan all nested groups to get the scope of users that can have access to CheckMK:

'user_filter': '(&(memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=${NESTED_GLOBAL},OU=Manual,OU=Distribution Lists,OU=X,OU=Y,OU=Corporate,DC=Z,DC=com))',

2ND important detail (for drill down to happen also in roles assignement) :

'nested': True,

Hope this helps someone ;)

Paulo Chagas | GTO – CIC – Senior Consultant
Portugal | CGI
Sintra Business Park, edifício 9, Abrunheira, 2710-089 Sintra | Portugal
M: +351 93 683 0258
***@cgi.com<mailto:***@cgi.com> | www.cgi.com<http://www.cgi.com/>

On 29 Oct 2018, at 17:41, Thomas Wittmann <***@gmail.com<mailto:***@gmail.com>> wrote:

this is an advice out of experience: if using LDAP sync (not only for Check_MK in particular) against MS AD, try to avoid nested groups.
It will make you headaches for nothing. :-)


Am Mo., 29. Okt. 2018 um 12:28 Uhr schrieb Chagas, Paulo <***@cgi.com<mailto:***@cgi.com>>:
Hi All,

I’m trying to give a special CheckMK role to a LDAP Group that is members are other ldap groups, tried to use the option "Handle nested group memberships (Active Directory only at the moment) “ under “Attribute Sync Plugins” with no luck

Any Advice ??

Thanks in advance
Paulo Chagas | GTO – CIC – Senior Consultant
Portugal | CGI
Sintra Business Park, edifício 9, Abrunheira, 2710-089 Sintra | Portugal
M: +351 93 683 0258
***@cgi.com<mailto:***@cgi.com> | www.cgi.com<http://www.cgi.com/>

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