[Check_mk (english)] Summay views on large wall mounted TV
Dollemore, Mark (London)
2018-10-11 07:48:33 UTC
Hi all,

I have the requirement to display Check_MK Summary views on a large wall mounted TV, this is likely to be based on hostgroups/servicegroups and the count of states based on severity.

The display needs to be concise and clearly visible from a distance.

I am presently looking at whether Nagvis can provide what I am after, but would like to know what other people are using for this, any recommendations or advice most welcome.



Mark Dollemore

Global Operations


Tel +44 20 7144 3749

Mob 07762893260


Man Group UK Limited |
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Thomas Wittmann
2018-10-11 10:51:40 UTC
i use several dashboards with the "globes" for host & service statistics &
others with mixed graphs in rotation on ~ 10 TVs
This works quite well and even from distance you can see the relation
OK(green) <-> orange(unknown) <-> warn(yellow) <-> crit(red)


Am Do., 11. Okt. 2018 um 09:49 Uhr schrieb Dollemore, Mark (London) <
Post by Dollemore, Mark (London)
Hi all,
I have the requirement to display Check_MK Summary views on a large wall
mounted TV, this is likely to be based on hostgroups/servicegroups and the
count of states based on severity.
The display needs to be concise and clearly visible from a distance.
I am presently looking at whether Nagvis can provide what I am after, but
would like to know what other people are using for this, any
recommendations or advice most welcome.
Mark Dollemore
Global Operations
Tel +44 20 7144 3749
Mob 07762893260
[image: logo]
Man Group UK Limited |
Registered address: Riverbank House, 2 Swan Lane, London EC4R 3AD, United Kingdom
Registered in England and Wales no. 5856654
Visit us at: www.man.com
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Privacy Notice: https://www.man.com/privacy-policy
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Dollemore, Mark (London)
2018-10-11 12:49:01 UTC
Hi Thomas,

Thanks for that idea, that could work, although I know there are some individuals where I work would complain that the globes are very 1980’s and want something a little cleaner and simpler. But I will give that a try and see how it looks.

Thanks again


From: Thomas Wittmann [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: 11 October 2018 11:52
To: Dollemore, Mark (London)
Cc: <checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de>
Subject: Re: [Check_mk (english)] Summay views on large wall mounted TV

i use several dashboards with the "globes" for host & service statistics & others with mixed graphs in rotation on ~ 10 TVs
This works quite well and even from distance you can see the relation OK(green) <-> orange(unknown) <-> warn(yellow) <-> crit(red)


Am Do., 11. Okt. 2018 um 09:49 Uhr schrieb Dollemore, Mark (London) <***@man.com<mailto:***@man.com>>:
Hi all,

I have the requirement to display Check_MK Summary views on a large wall mounted TV, this is likely to be based on hostgroups/servicegroups and the count of states based on severity.

The display needs to be concise and clearly visible from a distance.

I am presently looking at whether Nagvis can provide what I am after, but would like to know what other people are using for this, any recommendations or advice most welcome.



Mark Dollemore

Global Operations


Tel +44 20 7144 3749

Mob 07762893260


Man Group UK Limited |
Registered address: Riverbank House, 2 Swan Lane, London EC4R 3AD, United Kingdom
Registered in England and Wales no. 5856654
Visit us at: www.man.com<http://www.man.com>

This email has been sent by a member of the Man group (“Man”). Man’s parent company, Man Group plc, is registered in England and Wales (company number 08172396) at Riverbank House, 2 Swan Lane, London, EC4R 3AD. The contents of this email are for the named addressee(s) only. It contains information which may be confidential and privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately, destroy this email and any attachments and do not otherwise disclose or use them. Email transmission is not a secure method of communication and Man cannot accept responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of this email or any attachments. Whilst Man makes every effort to keep its network free from viruses, it does not accept responsibility for any computer virus which might be transferred by way of this email or any attachments. This email does not constitute a request, offer, recommendation or solicitation of any kind to buy, subscribe, sell or redeem any investment instruments or to perform other such transactions of any kind. Man reserves the right to monitor, record and retain all electronic and telephone communications through its network in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

During the course of our business relationship with you, we may process your personal data, including through the monitoring of electronic communications. We will only process your personal data to the extent permitted by laws and regulations; for the purposes of ensuring compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations and internal policies; and for managing client relationships. For further information please see our Privacy Notice: https://www.man.com/privacy-policy<https://www.man.com/privacy-policy>
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Vittore Zen
2018-10-11 13:07:06 UTC
Can you post some photos?

Post by Thomas Wittmann
i use several dashboards with the "globes" for host & service statistics &
others with mixed graphs in rotation on ~ 10 TVs
This works quite well and even from distance you can see the relation
OK(green) <-> orange(unknown) <-> warn(yellow) <-> crit(red)
Am Do., 11. Okt. 2018 um 09:49 Uhr schrieb Dollemore, Mark (London) <
Post by Dollemore, Mark (London)
Hi all,
I have the requirement to display Check_MK Summary views on a large wall
mounted TV, this is likely to be based on hostgroups/servicegroups and the
count of states based on severity.
The display needs to be concise and clearly visible from a distance.
I am presently looking at whether Nagvis can provide what I am after, but
would like to know what other people are using for this, any
recommendations or advice most welcome.
Mark Dollemore
Global Operations
Tel +44 20 7144 3749
Mob 07762893260
[image: logo]
Man Group UK Limited |
Registered address: Riverbank House, 2 Swan Lane, London EC4R 3AD, United Kingdom
Registered in England and Wales no. 5856654
Visit us at: www.man.com
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Privacy Notice: https://www.man.com/privacy-policy
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Vittore Zen
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Thomas Wittmann
2018-10-12 10:03:16 UTC
Hi everyone
just have a look on the globes on the main site just right after you log in
(the "Main Overview".
You can edit this site and have a look on how the dashlets (one is called
"Host Statistics", one is called "Service Statistics") are configured.
Then create a dashboard, add a few on them and set the filters as you want.
It may seem a little clumsy at first, and yes, may seem a little old
fashioned, but from technical perspective its a quite good and clean
Also give aggregations a try, they can also be palced on a dashboard, but
are much harder to create.
Management always wants to see everything green i know ;-)


Am Fr., 12. Okt. 2018 um 11:19 Uhr schrieb Philippe Duthoit <
Is it possible to show an image of the result ?
I also need to make some planning on how to visualize the network status
on 3 display screens and I would like to impress a few people with a
possible result
If not possible no problem
Behalf Of *Thomas Wittmann
*Sent:* Thursday, October 11, 2018 12:52 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Check_mk (english)] Summay views on large wall mounted TV
i use several dashboards with the "globes" for host & service statistics &
others with mixed graphs in rotation on ~ 10 TVs
This works quite well and even from distance you can see the relation
OK(green) <-> orange(unknown) <-> warn(yellow) <-> crit(red)
Am Do., 11. Okt. 2018 um 09:49 Uhr schrieb Dollemore, Mark (London) <
Hi all,
I have the requirement to display Check_MK Summary views on a large wall
mounted TV, this is likely to be based on hostgroups/servicegroups and the
count of states based on severity.
The display needs to be concise and clearly visible from a distance.
I am presently looking at whether Nagvis can provide what I am after, but
would like to know what other people are using for this, any
recommendations or advice most welcome.
Mark Dollemore
Global Operations
Tel +44 20 7144 3749
Mob 07762893260
[image: logo]
Man Group UK Limited |
Registered address: Riverbank House, 2 Swan Lane, London EC4R 3AD, United Kingdom
Registered in England and Wales no. 5856654
Visit us at: www.man.com
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During the course of our business relationship with you, we may process
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with our legal and regulatory obligations and internal policies; and for
managing client relationships. For further information please see our
Privacy Notice: https://www.man.com/privacy-policy
checkmk-en mailing list
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Simon Hogg
2018-10-12 15:56:13 UTC
We went down the route of writing a PHP/HTML/CSS webpage that shows all host problems on the left, and all service problems on the left. Green is good, yellow is warning, red is critical (blue is unknown).

Then we use a Pi or similar attached behind the screen that autoboots and opens the webpage and refreshes every 30 seconds. Seems to work quite nicely for us
but you do need to do a bit of coding. Here’s an example from now (nothing broken
so not super exciting I’m afraid):



Simon Hogg

Rue de la Vernie 12 | CH-1023 Crissier
T +41 21 313 23 13 | M +41 79 489 12 98
***@edificom.ch<mailto:***@edificom.ch> | www.edificom.ch<https://www.edificom.ch/>

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From: checkmk-en <checkmk-en-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de> on behalf of Thomas Wittmann <***@gmail.com>
Date: Friday, 12 October 2018 at 12:04
To: "***@arcadiz.com" <***@arcadiz.com>, "<checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de>" <checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de>
Subject: Re: [Check_mk (english)] Summay views on large wall mounted TV

Hi everyone
just have a look on the globes on the main site just right after you log in (the "Main Overview".
You can edit this site and have a look on how the dashlets (one is called "Host Statistics", one is called "Service Statistics") are configured.
Then create a dashboard, add a few on them and set the filters as you want.
It may seem a little clumsy at first, and yes, may seem a little old fashioned, but from technical perspective its a quite good and clean solution.
Also give aggregations a try, they can also be palced on a dashboard, but are much harder to create.
Management always wants to see everything green i know ;-)


Am Fr., 12. Okt. 2018 um 11:19 Uhr schrieb Philippe Duthoit <***@arcadiz.com<mailto:***@arcadiz.com>>:
Is it possible to show an image of the result ?

I also need to make some planning on how to visualize the network status on 3 display screens and I would like to impress a few people with a possible result

If not possible no problem

From: checkmk-en [mailto:checkmk-en-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de<mailto:checkmk-en-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de>] On Behalf Of Thomas Wittmann
Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2018 12:52 PM
To: ***@man.com<mailto:***@man.com>
Cc: <checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de<mailto:checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de>> <checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de<mailto:checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de>>
Subject: Re: [Check_mk (english)] Summay views on large wall mounted TV

i use several dashboards with the "globes" for host & service statistics & others with mixed graphs in rotation on ~ 10 TVs
This works quite well and even from distance you can see the relation OK(green) <-> orange(unknown) <-> warn(yellow) <-> crit(red)


Am Do., 11. Okt. 2018 um 09:49 Uhr schrieb Dollemore, Mark (London) <***@man.com<mailto:***@man.com>>:
Hi all,

I have the requirement to display Check_MK Summary views on a large wall mounted TV, this is likely to be based on hostgroups/servicegroups and the count of states based on severity.

The display needs to be concise and clearly visible from a distance.

I am presently looking at whether Nagvis can provide what I am after, but would like to know what other people are using for this, any recommendations or advice most welcome.



Mark Dollemore

Global Operations


Tel +44 20 7144 3749

Mob 07762893260

Error! Filename not specified.

Man Group UK Limited |
Registered address: Riverbank House, 2 Swan Lane, London EC4R 3AD, United Kingdom
Registered in England and Wales no. 5856654
Visit us at: www.man.com<http://www.man.com>

This email has been sent by a member of the Man group (“Man”). Man’s parent company, Man Group plc, is registered in England and Wales (company number 08172396) at Riverbank House, 2 Swan Lane, London, EC4R 3AD. The contents of this email are for the named addressee(s) only. It contains information which may be confidential and privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately, destroy this email and any attachments and do not otherwise disclose or use them. Email transmission is not a secure method of communication and Man cannot accept responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of this email or any attachments. Whilst Man makes every effort to keep its network free from viruses, it does not accept responsibility for any computer virus which might be transferred by way of this email or any attachments. This email does not constitute a request, offer, recommendation or solicitation of any kind to buy, subscribe, sell or redeem any investment instruments or to perform other such transactions of any kind. Man reserves the right to monitor, record and retain all electronic and telephone communications through its network in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

During the course of our business relationship with you, we may process your personal data, including through the monitoring of electronic communications. We will only process your personal data to the extent permitted by laws and regulations; for the purposes of ensuring compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations and internal policies; and for managing client relationships. For further information please see our Privacy Notice: https://www.man.com/privacy-policy
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Christopher Cox
2018-10-12 16:04:47 UTC
Depending... the All hosts (Mini) or All hosts (tiled) might be a good
Post by Simon Hogg
We went down the route of writing a PHP/HTML/CSS webpage that shows all
host problems on the left, and all service problems on the left.  Green
is good, yellow is warning, red is critical (blue is unknown).
Then we use a Pi or similar attached behind the screen that autoboots
and opens the webpage and refreshes every 30 seconds.  Seems to work
quite nicely for us…but you do need to do a bit of coding.  Here’s an
*Simon Hogg
*Rue de la Vernie 12 | CH-1023 Crissier
*T* +41 21 313 23 13 | *M *+41 79 489 12 98
<http://www.edificom.ch/blog> <https://www.facebook.com/edificom.ch>
*Date: *Friday, 12 October 2018 at 12:04
*Subject: *Re: [Check_mk (english)] Summay views on large wall mounted TV
Hi everyone
just have a look on the globes on the main site just right after you log
in (the "Main Overview".
You can edit this site and have a look on how the dashlets (one is
called "Host Statistics", one is called "Service Statistics") are
Then create a dashboard, add a few on them  and set the filters as you want.
It may seem a little clumsy at first, and yes, may seem a little old
fashioned, but from technical perspective its a quite good and clean
Also give aggregations a try, they can also be palced on a dashboard,
but are much harder to create.
Management always wants to see everything green i know ;-)
Am Fr., 12. Okt. 2018 um 11:19 Uhr schrieb Philippe Duthoit
Is it possible to show an image of the result ?
I also need to make some planning on how to visualize the network
status on 3 display screens and I would like to impress a few people
with a possible result
If not possible no problem
*From:* checkmk-en
*Thomas Wittmann
*Sent:* Thursday, October 11, 2018 12:52 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Check_mk (english)] Summay views on large wall mounted TV
i use several dashboards with the "globes" for host & service
statistics & others with mixed graphs in rotation on ~ 10 TVs
This works quite well and even from distance you can see the
relation OK(green) <-> orange(unknown) <-> warn(yellow) <-> crit(red)
Am Do., 11. Okt. 2018 um 09:49 Uhr schrieb Dollemore, Mark (London)
Hi all,
I have the requirement to display Check_MK Summary views on a
large wall mounted TV, this is likely to be based on
hostgroups/servicegroups and the count of states based on severity.
The display needs to be concise and clearly visible from a distance.
I am presently looking at whether Nagvis can provide what I am
after, but would like to know what other people are using for
this, any recommendations or advice most welcome.
Mark Dollemore
Global Operations
Tel +44 20 7144 3749
Mob 07762893260
*Error! Filename not specified.*
Man Group UK Limited |
Registered address: Riverbank House, 2 Swan Lane, London EC4R
3AD, United Kingdom
Registered in England and Wales no. 5856654
Visit us at: www.man.com <http://www.man.com>
This email has been sent by a member of the Man group (“Man”).
Man’s parent company, Man Group plc, is registered in England
and Wales (company number 08172396) at Riverbank House, 2 Swan
Lane, London, EC4R 3AD. The contents of this email are for the
named addressee(s) only. It contains information which may be
confidential and privileged. If you are not the intended
recipient, please notify the sender immediately, destroy this
email and any attachments and do not otherwise disclose or use
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and Man cannot accept responsibility for the completeness or
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any kind. Man reserves the right to monitor, record and retain
all electronic and telephone communications through its network
in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
During the course of our business relationship with you, we may
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electronic communications. We will only process your personal
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Notice: https://www.man.com/privacy-policy
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checkmk-en mailing list
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Vittore Zen
2018-10-16 05:29:12 UTC
Can you share some portion of code? I'm very curios about how you have
interfaced php with check_mk.

Post by Simon Hogg
We went down the route of writing a PHP/HTML/CSS webpage that shows all
host problems on the left, and all service problems on the left. Green is
good, yellow is warning, red is critical (blue is unknown).
Then we use a Pi or similar attached behind the screen that autoboots and
opens the webpage and refreshes every 30 seconds. Seems to work quite
nicely for us
but you do need to do a bit of coding. Here’s an example
*Simon Hogg*COO
*EDIFICOM SA *Rue de la Vernie 12 | CH-1023 Crissier
*T* +41 21 313 23 13 | *M *+41 79 489 12 98
<http://www.edificom.ch/blog> <https://www.facebook.com/edificom.ch>
*Date: *Friday, 12 October 2018 at 12:04
*Subject: *Re: [Check_mk (english)] Summay views on large wall mounted TV
Hi everyone
just have a look on the globes on the main site just right after you log
in (the "Main Overview".
You can edit this site and have a look on how the dashlets (one is called
"Host Statistics", one is called "Service Statistics") are configured.
Then create a dashboard, add a few on them and set the filters as you want.
It may seem a little clumsy at first, and yes, may seem a little old
fashioned, but from technical perspective its a quite good and clean
Also give aggregations a try, they can also be palced on a dashboard, but
are much harder to create.
Management always wants to see everything green i know ;-)
Am Fr., 12. Okt. 2018 um 11:19 Uhr schrieb Philippe Duthoit <
Is it possible to show an image of the result ?
I also need to make some planning on how to visualize the network status
on 3 display screens and I would like to impress a few people with a
possible result
If not possible no problem
Behalf Of *Thomas Wittmann
*Sent:* Thursday, October 11, 2018 12:52 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Check_mk (english)] Summay views on large wall mounted TV
i use several dashboards with the "globes" for host & service statistics &
others with mixed graphs in rotation on ~ 10 TVs
This works quite well and even from distance you can see the relation
OK(green) <-> orange(unknown) <-> warn(yellow) <-> crit(red)
Am Do., 11. Okt. 2018 um 09:49 Uhr schrieb Dollemore, Mark (London) <
Hi all,
I have the requirement to display Check_MK Summary views on a large wall
mounted TV, this is likely to be based on hostgroups/servicegroups and the
count of states based on severity.
The display needs to be concise and clearly visible from a distance.
I am presently looking at whether Nagvis can provide what I am after, but
would like to know what other people are using for this, any
recommendations or advice most welcome.
Mark Dollemore
Global Operations
Tel +44 20 7144 3749
Mob 07762893260
*Error! Filename not specified.*
Man Group UK Limited |
Registered address: Riverbank House, 2 Swan Lane, London EC4R 3AD, United Kingdom
Registered in England and Wales no. 5856654
Visit us at: www.man.com
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Vittore Zen
2018-11-07 14:52:20 UTC
This is our master monitor:


a mix of python and js script.

Post by Simon Hogg
We went down the route of writing a PHP/HTML/CSS webpage that shows all
host problems on the left, and all service problems on the left. Green is
good, yellow is warning, red is critical (blue is unknown).
Then we use a Pi or similar attached behind the screen that autoboots and
opens the webpage and refreshes every 30 seconds. Seems to work quite
nicely for us
but you do need to do a bit of coding. Here’s an example
*Simon Hogg*COO
*EDIFICOM SA *Rue de la Vernie 12 | CH-1023 Crissier
*T* +41 21 313 23 13 | *M *+41 79 489 12 98
<http://www.edificom.ch/blog> <https://www.facebook.com/edificom.ch>
*Date: *Friday, 12 October 2018 at 12:04
*Subject: *Re: [Check_mk (english)] Summay views on large wall mounted TV
Hi everyone
just have a look on the globes on the main site just right after you log
in (the "Main Overview".
You can edit this site and have a look on how the dashlets (one is called
"Host Statistics", one is called "Service Statistics") are configured.
Then create a dashboard, add a few on them and set the filters as you want.
It may seem a little clumsy at first, and yes, may seem a little old
fashioned, but from technical perspective its a quite good and clean
Also give aggregations a try, they can also be palced on a dashboard, but
are much harder to create.
Management always wants to see everything green i know ;-)
Am Fr., 12. Okt. 2018 um 11:19 Uhr schrieb Philippe Duthoit <
Is it possible to show an image of the result ?
I also need to make some planning on how to visualize the network status
on 3 display screens and I would like to impress a few people with a
possible result
If not possible no problem
Behalf Of *Thomas Wittmann
*Sent:* Thursday, October 11, 2018 12:52 PM
*Subject:* Re: [Check_mk (english)] Summay views on large wall mounted TV
i use several dashboards with the "globes" for host & service statistics &
others with mixed graphs in rotation on ~ 10 TVs
This works quite well and even from distance you can see the relation
OK(green) <-> orange(unknown) <-> warn(yellow) <-> crit(red)
Am Do., 11. Okt. 2018 um 09:49 Uhr schrieb Dollemore, Mark (London) <
Hi all,
I have the requirement to display Check_MK Summary views on a large wall
mounted TV, this is likely to be based on hostgroups/servicegroups and the
count of states based on severity.
The display needs to be concise and clearly visible from a distance.
I am presently looking at whether Nagvis can provide what I am after, but
would like to know what other people are using for this, any
recommendations or advice most welcome.
Mark Dollemore
Global Operations
Tel +44 20 7144 3749
Mob 07762893260
*Error! Filename not specified.*
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