Devin Kramer via checkmk-en
2018-11-08 02:33:29 UTC
We currently have a distributed check_mk monitoring environment using the
"Raw Edition". Basically we have multiple check_mk nodes deployed in each
of our data centers each responsible for an equally distributed number of
hosts. We then have a single instance in our primary DC that is an
aggregated view of all of the other check_mk servers. The primary
motivations for this architecture was ensuring we could support the number
of nodes we needed to monitor in each location. Also, we like that
monitoring notifications are not dependent on a single system that has to
be reachable across possibly unreliable connectivity to a central DC. The
major draw back of this is we cannot leverage cross host or cross dc
dependencies because each check_mk nodes i not aware of the others.
At least at first glance of the product editions page it would seem the Enterprise
edition has "central alert handling in distributed monitoring" and thus
maybe dependencies?
First, I am wondering if anyone has solved or mitigated this issue without
having to deploy the Enterprise Edition?
Second, I am wondering if anyone has experience with setting up
dependencies using the Enterprise Edition in an environment as large as
10K+ nodes 300K plus services across 10 locations?
Appreciate any insights folks are willing to share..
Devin Kramer
"Raw Edition". Basically we have multiple check_mk nodes deployed in each
of our data centers each responsible for an equally distributed number of
hosts. We then have a single instance in our primary DC that is an
aggregated view of all of the other check_mk servers. The primary
motivations for this architecture was ensuring we could support the number
of nodes we needed to monitor in each location. Also, we like that
monitoring notifications are not dependent on a single system that has to
be reachable across possibly unreliable connectivity to a central DC. The
major draw back of this is we cannot leverage cross host or cross dc
dependencies because each check_mk nodes i not aware of the others.
At least at first glance of the product editions page it would seem the Enterprise
edition has "central alert handling in distributed monitoring" and thus
maybe dependencies?
First, I am wondering if anyone has solved or mitigated this issue without
having to deploy the Enterprise Edition?
Second, I am wondering if anyone has experience with setting up
dependencies using the Enterprise Edition in an environment as large as
10K+ nodes 300K plus services across 10 locations?
Appreciate any insights folks are willing to share..
Devin Kramer