[Check_mk (english)] how do I disable or delete check_mk discovery for multiple devices?
Christian Vo
2018-09-21 22:34:28 UTC
Hi all,

I have an inherited check_mk deployment, with a few hundred nodes.
for the most part it works well, but I do see several hundred service
alerts related to check_mk discovery failures. I don't want autodiscovery
of services for several of the devices being monitored and would like to
know what's the best way to disable this and get rid of these misleading


Paul Dott
2018-09-22 00:12:15 UTC
There are a couple of ways.

1) In your 'Periodic service discovery' rule, under the hosts parameter add
the hostnames you DONT want to have this rule apply to and then select the
negate checkbox.
2) Add a disabled services rule, and specify the Check_MK Discovery as the
service name and the relevant hostnames under hosts.
3) Create a new host tag - 'Auto Discovery' with the options Yes/No. Apply
the tag to the hosts, then use those tags as your identifiers in any of the
above rules. (as a tip on this, for the first tag entry leave the tag ID
field empty and write 'Empty' in the description field. This will allow
mean the default tag is 'Empty' ie null)

Post by Christian Vo
Hi all,
I have an inherited check_mk deployment, with a few hundred nodes.
for the most part it works well, but I do see several hundred service
alerts related to check_mk discovery failures. I don't want autodiscovery
of services for several of the devices being monitored and would like to
know what's the best way to disable this and get rid of these misleading
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Marcel Schulte
2018-09-22 16:40:02 UTC
Hi Christian,

the service is activated by ruleset "Periodic service discovery". When
you create a rule which decides not to perform periodic service
discovery for several devices, and you set this rule to appear before
any activating rule, those hosts will not get that service...

Am Sa., 22. Sep. 2018 um 00:35 Uhr schrieb Christian Vo
Post by Christian Vo
Hi all,
I have an inherited check_mk deployment, with a few hundred nodes.
for the most part it works well, but I do see several hundred service alerts related to check_mk discovery failures. I don't want autodiscovery of services for several of the devices being monitored and would like to know what's the best way to disable this and get rid of these misleading alerts?
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