[Check_mk (english)] remote sites
Tommy D
2018-11-28 15:17:23 UTC
I am using check_mk Raw Edition with OMD and i would like to do distributed
monitoring with more than two levels of distribution. I explain myself :
I have a check_mk server which i call here "master" and i add (via
TCP:6557) a remote site (called here "slave 1") to have some visibility on
the hosts checked on it, through the master check_mk site.
It works perfectly. Then, i add a remote site to my "slave 1" the same way.
I am not able to see anything on the master and i understand because the
TCP connection focuses 1 site. But is there a way to do so with more and
more remote sites through sites already remoted ?
I want to use this in order to not remote all my sites (thousands) to the
Core ("master") to not lose performances.
Thanks in advance !
Andreas Döhler
2018-11-30 08:12:05 UTC
Hi Tom,

if you have so many remote sites the normal Livestatus connection is not
the right way I think. With livestatus proxy from the enterprise edition
you can already manage more concurrent connection but not so many :)
The better way to display the status of so many remote site would be to use
aggregations on the single sites and only transport the status of this few
site aggregations to the central site.
How to transport the status information of these aggregations depends on
your environment.
If there is then an problem shown in this aggregation you can jump directly
to the remote site and inspect the problem.

Such a setup is very complex I think.

Best regards
Post by Tommy D
I am using check_mk Raw Edition with OMD and i would like to do
distributed monitoring with more than two levels of distribution. I explain
I have a check_mk server which i call here "master" and i add (via
TCP:6557) a remote site (called here "slave 1") to have some visibility on
the hosts checked on it, through the master check_mk site.
It works perfectly. Then, i add a remote site to my "slave 1" the same
way. I am not able to see anything on the master and i understand because
the TCP connection focuses 1 site. But is there a way to do so with more
and more remote sites through sites already remoted ?
I want to use this in order to not remote all my sites (thousands) to the
Core ("master") to not lose performances.
Thanks in advance !
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