[Check_mk (english)] CEE 1.4.0p34 vs vCenter 6.7.1
Gerardo Ferreyra
2018-11-15 04:53:43 UTC
Hi guys.
I cannot get data from (new) vcenter 6.7.1 (6.7 update 1).

*Problem contacting agent: Agent exited with code 1: Traceback (most recent
call last):*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere", line
1188, in <module>*
* retrieve_systeminfo()*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere", line
1153, in retrieve_systeminfo*
* systeminfo[entry] = function and function(element[0]) or element[0]*
*ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 6.7.1*

Any ideas?

Gerardo Ferreyra
2018-11-15 15:40:18 UTC
Anyone facing this? Something easy to fix on the code?

Post by Gerardo Ferreyra
Hi guys.
I cannot get data from (new) vcenter 6.7.1 (6.7 update 1).
*Problem contacting agent: Agent exited with code 1: Traceback (most
recent call last):*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere",
line 1188, in <module>*
* retrieve_systeminfo()*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere",
line 1153, in retrieve_systeminfo*
* systeminfo[entry] = function and function(element[0]) or element[0]*
*ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 6.7.1*
Any ideas?
Dollemore, Mark (London)
2018-11-15 16:27:04 UTC
Hi there,

Try modifying the following line in agent_vsphere;

From this;-
output("Version: %.1f" % systeminfo["apiVersion"])

to this;-
output("Version: %.1f" % float(systeminfo["apiVersion"]))



From: checkmk-en [mailto:checkmk-en-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de] On Behalf Of Gerardo Ferreyra
Sent: 15 November 2018 15:40
To: <checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de>
Subject: Re: [Check_mk (english)] CEE 1.4.0p34 vs vCenter 6.7.1

Anyone facing this? Something easy to fix on the code?


El jue., 15 nov. 2018 a las 1:53, Gerardo Ferreyra (<***@gmail.com<mailto:***@gmail.com>>) escribió:
Hi guys.
I cannot get data from (new) vcenter 6.7.1 (6.7 update 1).

Problem contacting agent: Agent exited with code 1: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere", line 1188, in <module>
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere", line 1153, in retrieve_systeminfo
systeminfo[entry] = function and function(element[0]) or element[0]
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 6.7.1

Any ideas?


This email has been sent by a member of the Man group (“Man”). Man’s parent company, Man Group plc, is registered in England and Wales (company number 08172396) at Riverbank House, 2 Swan Lane, London, EC4R 3AD.
The contents of this email are for the named addressee(s) only. It contains information which may be confidential and privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately, destroy this email and any attachments and do not otherwise disclose or use them. Email transmission is not a secure method of communication and Man cannot accept responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of this email or any attachments. Whilst Man makes every effort to keep its network free from viruses, it does not accept responsibility for any computer virus which might be transferred by way of this email or any attachments. This email does not constitute a request, offer, recommendation or solicitation of any kind to buy, subscribe, sell or redeem any investment instruments or to perform other such transactions of any kind. Man reserves the right to monitor, record and retain all electronic and telephone communications through its network in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

During the course of our business relationship with you, we may process your personal data, including through the monitoring of electronic communications. We will only process your personal data to the extent permitted by laws and regulations; for the purposes of ensuring compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations and internal policies; and for managing client relationships. For further information please see our Privacy Notice: https://www.man.com/privacy-policy
Dollemore, Mark (London)
2018-11-15 16:36:52 UTC
Actually looking at this again, I’m not sure this is the same problem I encountered.

From: checkmk-en [mailto:checkmk-en-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de] On Behalf Of Gerardo Ferreyra
Sent: 15 November 2018 15:40
To: <checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de>
Subject: Re: [Check_mk (english)] CEE 1.4.0p34 vs vCenter 6.7.1

Anyone facing this? Something easy to fix on the code?


El jue., 15 nov. 2018 a las 1:53, Gerardo Ferreyra (<***@gmail.com<mailto:***@gmail.com>>) escribió:
Hi guys.
I cannot get data from (new) vcenter 6.7.1 (6.7 update 1).

Problem contacting agent: Agent exited with code 1: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere", line 1188, in <module>
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere", line 1153, in retrieve_systeminfo
systeminfo[entry] = function and function(element[0]) or element[0]
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 6.7.1

Any ideas?


This email has been sent by a member of the Man group (“Man”). Man’s parent company, Man Group plc, is registered in England and Wales (company number 08172396) at Riverbank House, 2 Swan Lane, London, EC4R 3AD.
The contents of this email are for the named addressee(s) only. It contains information which may be confidential and privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately, destroy this email and any attachments and do not otherwise disclose or use them. Email transmission is not a secure method of communication and Man cannot accept responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of this email or any attachments. Whilst Man makes every effort to keep its network free from viruses, it does not accept responsibility for any computer virus which might be transferred by way of this email or any attachments. This email does not constitute a request, offer, recommendation or solicitation of any kind to buy, subscribe, sell or redeem any investment instruments or to perform other such transactions of any kind. Man reserves the right to monitor, record and retain all electronic and telephone communications through its network in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

During the course of our business relationship with you, we may process your personal data, including through the monitoring of electronic communications. We will only process your personal data to the extent permitted by laws and regulations; for the purposes of ensuring compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations and internal policies; and for managing client relationships. For further information please see our Privacy Notice: https://www.man.com/privacy-policy
Gerardo Ferreyra
2018-11-15 18:33:54 UTC
Hi mark.
I tried p37, but no luck. I'm back on 34.

So, the only changes between 34 and 37:

systemfields = [
("apiVersion", float),
("name", None),
("rootFolder", None),
("perfManager", None),
("sessionManager", None),
("licenseManager", None),
("propertyCollector", None),
("version", None),
("build", None),
("vendor", None),
("osType", None),

systemfields = [

2) *Before*

def retrieve_systeminfo():
global systeminfo
# Retrieve basic data, which requires no login
payload = telegram_list["systeminfo"]
reply_code, reply_msg, reply_headers, reply_data = query_server(payload)
for entry, function in systemfields:
element = get_pattern("<%(entry)s.*>(.*)</%(entry)s>" % { "entry":
entry }, reply_data)
if element:
systeminfo[entry] = function and function(element[0]) or


def retrieve_systeminfo():
global systeminfo
# Retrieve basic data, which requires no login
payload = telegram_list["systeminfo"]
reply_code, reply_msg, reply_headers, reply_data = query_server(payload)
* for entry in systemfields*:
element = get_pattern("<%(entry)s.*>(.*)</%(entry)s>" % { "entry":
entry }, reply_data)
if element:
*systeminfo[entry] = element[0]*

Not working. Same error.
I added your idea:

# Check MK header and Agent Version
output("Version: %.1f" % float(systeminfo["apiVersion"]))
output("AgentOS: %s" % systeminfo["name"])

# Check MK header and Agent Version
output("Version: %.1f" % *float(*systeminfo["apiVersion"])*)*
output("AgentOS: %s" % systeminfo["name"])

Debug output:

*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk.py", line 4881, in
* do_discovery(hostnames, check_types, seen_I == 1)*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 80, in
* do_discovery_for(hostname, check_types, only_new, use_caches,
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 100, in
* new_items = discover_services(hostname, check_types, use_caches,
do_snmp_scan, on_error)*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 735, in
* return services + discover_services_impl(hostname, check_types,
use_caches, on_error, ipaddress)*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 750, in
* use_caches, on_error, use_snmp):*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 879, in
* info = get_info_for_discovery(hostname, ipaddress, section_name,
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 580, in
* ignore_check_interval=True, use_snmpwalk_cache=False)*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk_base.py", line
433, in get_realhost_info*
* output = get_agent_info(hostname, ipaddress, max_cache_age)*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk_base.py", line
740, in get_agent_info*
* output = get_agent_info_program(commandline)*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk_base.py", line
794, in get_agent_info_program*
* raise MKAgentError("Agent exited with code %d: %s" % (exitstatus,
*__main__.MKAgentError: Agent exited with code 1: Error while processing
received data*

Any help?

El jue., 15 nov. 2018 a las 13:37, Dollemore, Mark (London) (<
Post by Dollemore, Mark (London)
Actually looking at this again, I’m not sure this is the same problem I encountered.
Behalf Of *Gerardo Ferreyra
*Sent:* 15 November 2018 15:40
*Subject:* Re: [Check_mk (english)] CEE 1.4.0p34 vs vCenter 6.7.1
Anyone facing this? Something easy to fix on the code?
Hi guys.
I cannot get data from (new) vcenter 6.7.1 (6.7 update 1).
*Problem contacting agent: Agent exited with code 1: Traceback (most
recent call last):*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere",
line 1188, in <module>*
* retrieve_systeminfo()*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere",
line 1153, in retrieve_systeminfo*
* systeminfo[entry] = function and function(element[0]) or element[0]*
*ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 6.7.1*
Any ideas?
This email has been sent by a member of the Man group (“Man”). Man’s
parent company, Man Group plc, is registered in England and Wales (company
number 08172396) at Riverbank House, 2 Swan Lane, London, EC4R 3AD. The
contents of this email are for the named addressee(s) only. It contains
information which may be confidential and privileged. If you are not the
intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately, destroy this
email and any attachments and do not otherwise disclose or use them. Email
transmission is not a secure method of communication and Man cannot accept
responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of this email or any
attachments. Whilst Man makes every effort to keep its network free from
viruses, it does not accept responsibility for any computer virus which
might be transferred by way of this email or any attachments. This email
does not constitute a request, offer, recommendation or solicitation of any
kind to buy, subscribe, sell or redeem any investment instruments or to
perform other such transactions of any kind. Man reserves the right to
monitor, record and retain all electronic and telephone communications
through its network in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
During the course of our business relationship with you, we may process
your personal data, including through the monitoring of electronic
communications. We will only process your personal data to the extent
permitted by laws and regulations; for the purposes of ensuring compliance
with our legal and regulatory obligations and internal policies; and for
managing client relationships. For further information please see our
Privacy Notice: https://www.man.com/privacy-policy
Dollemore, Mark (London)
2018-11-16 09:29:49 UTC
I will try and get our lab updated to 6.7.1 and see if I can replicate the issue.

From: Gerardo Ferreyra [mailto:***@gmail.com]
Sent: 15 November 2018 18:34
To: Dollemore, Mark (London); <checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de>
Subject: Re: [Check_mk (english)] CEE 1.4.0p34 vs vCenter 6.7.1

Hi mark.
I tried p37, but no luck. I'm back on 34.

So, the only changes between 34 and 37:

systemfields = [
("apiVersion", float),
("name", None),
("rootFolder", None),
("perfManager", None),
("sessionManager", None),
("licenseManager", None),
("propertyCollector", None),
("version", None),
("build", None),
("vendor", None),
("osType", None),

systemfields = [

2) Before

def retrieve_systeminfo():
global systeminfo
# Retrieve basic data, which requires no login
payload = telegram_list["systeminfo"]
reply_code, reply_msg, reply_headers, reply_data = query_server(payload)
for entry, function in systemfields:
element = get_pattern("<%(entry)s.*>(.*)</%(entry)s>" % { "entry": entry }, reply_data)
if element:
systeminfo[entry] = function and function(element[0]) or element[0]


def retrieve_systeminfo():
global systeminfo
# Retrieve basic data, which requires no login
payload = telegram_list["systeminfo"]
reply_code, reply_msg, reply_headers, reply_data = query_server(payload)
for entry in systemfields:
element = get_pattern("<%(entry)s.*>(.*)</%(entry)s>" % { "entry": entry }, reply_data)
if element:
systeminfo[entry] = element[0]

Not working. Same error.
I added your idea:

# Check MK header and Agent Version
output("Version: %.1f" % float(systeminfo["apiVersion"]))
output("AgentOS: %s" % systeminfo["name"])

# Check MK header and Agent Version
output("Version: %.1f" % float(systeminfo["apiVersion"]))
output("AgentOS: %s" % systeminfo["name"])

Debug output:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk.py", line 4881, in <module>
do_discovery(hostnames, check_types, seen_I == 1)
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 80, in do_discovery
do_discovery_for(hostname, check_types, only_new, use_caches, on_error)
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 100, in do_discovery_for
new_items = discover_services(hostname, check_types, use_caches, do_snmp_scan, on_error)
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 735, in discover_services
return services + discover_services_impl(hostname, check_types, use_caches, on_error, ipaddress)
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 750, in discover_services_impl
use_caches, on_error, use_snmp):
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 879, in discover_check_type
info = get_info_for_discovery(hostname, ipaddress, section_name, use_caches)
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 580, in get_info_for_discovery
ignore_check_interval=True, use_snmpwalk_cache=False)
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk_base.py", line 433, in get_realhost_info
output = get_agent_info(hostname, ipaddress, max_cache_age)
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk_base.py", line 740, in get_agent_info
output = get_agent_info_program(commandline)
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk_base.py", line 794, in get_agent_info_program
raise MKAgentError("Agent exited with code %d: %s" % (exitstatus, stderr))
__main__.MKAgentError: Agent exited with code 1: Error while processing received data

Any help?

El jue., 15 nov. 2018 a las 13:37, Dollemore, Mark (London) (<***@man.com<mailto:***@man.com>>) escribió:
Actually looking at this again, I’m not sure this is the same problem I encountered.

From: checkmk-en [mailto:checkmk-en-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de<mailto:checkmk-en-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de>] On Behalf Of Gerardo Ferreyra
Sent: 15 November 2018 15:40
To: <checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de<mailto:checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de>>
Subject: Re: [Check_mk (english)] CEE 1.4.0p34 vs vCenter 6.7.1

Anyone facing this? Something easy to fix on the code?


El jue., 15 nov. 2018 a las 1:53, Gerardo Ferreyra (<***@gmail.com<mailto:***@gmail.com>>) escribió:
Hi guys.
I cannot get data from (new) vcenter 6.7.1 (6.7 update 1).

Problem contacting agent: Agent exited with code 1: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere", line 1188, in <module>
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere", line 1153, in retrieve_systeminfo
systeminfo[entry] = function and function(element[0]) or element[0]
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 6.7.1

Any ideas?


This email has been sent by a member of the Man group (“Man”). Man’s parent company, Man Group plc, is registered in England and Wales (company number 08172396) at Riverbank House, 2 Swan Lane, London, EC4R 3AD. The contents of this email are for the named addressee(s) only. It contains information which may be confidential and privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately, destroy this email and any attachments and do not otherwise disclose or use them. Email transmission is not a secure method of communication and Man cannot accept responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of this email or any attachments. Whilst Man makes every effort to keep its network free from viruses, it does not accept responsibility for any computer virus which might be transferred by way of this email or any attachments. This email does not constitute a request, offer, recommendation or solicitation of any kind to buy, subscribe, sell or redeem any investment instruments or to perform other such transactions of any kind. Man reserves the right to monitor, record and retain all electronic and telephone communications through its network in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

During the course of our business relationship with you, we may process your personal data, including through the monitoring of electronic communications. We will only process your personal data to the extent permitted by laws and regulations; for the purposes of ensuring compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations and internal policies; and for managing client relationships. For further information please see our Privacy Notice: https://www.man.com/privacy-policy<https://www.man.com/privacy-policy>
Gerardo Ferreyra
2018-11-16 13:05:18 UTC
Please and thank you!

El vie., 16 de nov. de 2018 06:29, Dollemore, Mark (London) <
Post by Dollemore, Mark (London)
I will try and get our lab updated to 6.7.1 and see if I can replicate the issue.
*Sent:* 15 November 2018 18:34
*Subject:* Re: [Check_mk (english)] CEE 1.4.0p34 vs vCenter 6.7.1
Hi mark.
I tried p37, but no luck. I'm back on 34.
systemfields = [
("apiVersion", float),
("name", None),
("rootFolder", None),
("perfManager", None),
("sessionManager", None),
("licenseManager", None),
("propertyCollector", None),
("version", None),
("build", None),
("vendor", None),
("osType", None),
systemfields = [
2) *Before*
global systeminfo
# Retrieve basic data, which requires no login
payload = telegram_list["systeminfo"]
reply_code, reply_msg, reply_headers, reply_data =
element = get_pattern("<%(entry)s.*>(.*)</%(entry)s>" % {
"entry": entry }, reply_data)
systeminfo[entry] = function and function(element[0]) or element[0]
global systeminfo
# Retrieve basic data, which requires no login
payload = telegram_list["systeminfo"]
reply_code, reply_msg, reply_headers, reply_data =
element = get_pattern("<%(entry)s.*>(.*)</%(entry)s>" % {
"entry": entry }, reply_data)
*systeminfo[entry] = element[0]*
Not working. Same error.
# Check MK header and Agent Version
output("Version: %.1f" % float(systeminfo["apiVersion"]))
output("AgentOS: %s" % systeminfo["name"])
# Check MK header and Agent Version
output("Version: %.1f" % *float(*systeminfo["apiVersion"])*)*
output("AgentOS: %s" % systeminfo["name"])
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk.py", line 4881,
in <module>*
* do_discovery(hostnames, check_types, seen_I == 1)*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 80, in
* do_discovery_for(hostname, check_types, only_new, use_caches,
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 100,
in do_discovery_for*
* new_items = discover_services(hostname, check_types, use_caches,
do_snmp_scan, on_error)*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 735,
in discover_services*
* return services + discover_services_impl(hostname, check_types,
use_caches, on_error, ipaddress)*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 750,
in discover_services_impl*
* use_caches, on_error, use_snmp):*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 879,
in discover_check_type*
* info = get_info_for_discovery(hostname, ipaddress, section_name,
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 580,
in get_info_for_discovery*
* ignore_check_interval=True, use_snmpwalk_cache=False)*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk_base.py", line
433, in get_realhost_info*
* output = get_agent_info(hostname, ipaddress, max_cache_age)*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk_base.py", line
740, in get_agent_info*
* output = get_agent_info_program(commandline)*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk_base.py", line
794, in get_agent_info_program*
* raise MKAgentError("Agent exited with code %d: %s" % (exitstatus,
*__main__.MKAgentError: Agent exited with code 1: Error while processing
received data*
Any help?
El jue., 15 nov. 2018 a las 13:37, Dollemore, Mark (London) (<
Actually looking at this again, I’m not sure this is the same problem I encountered.
Behalf Of *Gerardo Ferreyra
*Sent:* 15 November 2018 15:40
*Subject:* Re: [Check_mk (english)] CEE 1.4.0p34 vs vCenter 6.7.1
Anyone facing this? Something easy to fix on the code?
Hi guys.
I cannot get data from (new) vcenter 6.7.1 (6.7 update 1).
*Problem contacting agent: Agent exited with code 1: Traceback (most
recent call last):*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere",
line 1188, in <module>*
* retrieve_systeminfo()*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere",
line 1153, in retrieve_systeminfo*
* systeminfo[entry] = function and function(element[0]) or element[0]*
*ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 6.7.1*
Any ideas?
This email has been sent by a member of the Man group (“Man”). Man’s
parent company, Man Group plc, is registered in England and Wales (company
number 08172396) at Riverbank House, 2 Swan Lane, London, EC4R 3AD. The
contents of this email are for the named addressee(s) only. It contains
information which may be confidential and privileged. If you are not the
intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately, destroy this
email and any attachments and do not otherwise disclose or use them. Email
transmission is not a secure method of communication and Man cannot accept
responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of this email or any
attachments. Whilst Man makes every effort to keep its network free from
viruses, it does not accept responsibility for any computer virus which
might be transferred by way of this email or any attachments. This email
does not constitute a request, offer, recommendation or solicitation of any
kind to buy, subscribe, sell or redeem any investment instruments or to
perform other such transactions of any kind. Man reserves the right to
monitor, record and retain all electronic and telephone communications
through its network in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
During the course of our business relationship with you, we may process
your personal data, including through the monitoring of electronic
communications. We will only process your personal data to the extent
permitted by laws and regulations; for the purposes of ensuring compliance
with our legal and regulatory obligations and internal policies; and for
managing client relationships. For further information please see our
Privacy Notice: https://www.man.com/privacy-policy
Gerardo Ferreyra
2018-11-16 17:16:12 UTC
Mark, guys.

I overwrite completely 1.4.0p34 version with 1.5.0p7.

EXCELLENT. We're back in business.

Post by Gerardo Ferreyra
Please and thank you!
El vie., 16 de nov. de 2018 06:29, Dollemore, Mark (London) <
Post by Dollemore, Mark (London)
I will try and get our lab updated to 6.7.1 and see if I can replicate the issue.
*Sent:* 15 November 2018 18:34
*Subject:* Re: [Check_mk (english)] CEE 1.4.0p34 vs vCenter 6.7.1
Hi mark.
I tried p37, but no luck. I'm back on 34.
systemfields = [
("apiVersion", float),
("name", None),
("rootFolder", None),
("perfManager", None),
("sessionManager", None),
("licenseManager", None),
("propertyCollector", None),
("version", None),
("build", None),
("vendor", None),
("osType", None),
systemfields = [
2) *Before*
global systeminfo
# Retrieve basic data, which requires no login
payload = telegram_list["systeminfo"]
reply_code, reply_msg, reply_headers, reply_data =
element = get_pattern("<%(entry)s.*>(.*)</%(entry)s>" % {
"entry": entry }, reply_data)
systeminfo[entry] = function and function(element[0]) or element[0]
global systeminfo
# Retrieve basic data, which requires no login
payload = telegram_list["systeminfo"]
reply_code, reply_msg, reply_headers, reply_data =
element = get_pattern("<%(entry)s.*>(.*)</%(entry)s>" % {
"entry": entry }, reply_data)
*systeminfo[entry] = element[0]*
Not working. Same error.
# Check MK header and Agent Version
output("Version: %.1f" % float(systeminfo["apiVersion"]))
output("AgentOS: %s" % systeminfo["name"])
# Check MK header and Agent Version
output("Version: %.1f" % *float(*systeminfo["apiVersion"])*)*
output("AgentOS: %s" % systeminfo["name"])
*Traceback (most recent call last):*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk.py", line 4881,
in <module>*
* do_discovery(hostnames, check_types, seen_I == 1)*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 80,
in do_discovery*
* do_discovery_for(hostname, check_types, only_new, use_caches,
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 100,
in do_discovery_for*
* new_items = discover_services(hostname, check_types, use_caches,
do_snmp_scan, on_error)*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 735,
in discover_services*
* return services + discover_services_impl(hostname, check_types,
use_caches, on_error, ipaddress)*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 750,
in discover_services_impl*
* use_caches, on_error, use_snmp):*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 879,
in discover_check_type*
* info = get_info_for_discovery(hostname, ipaddress, section_name,
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 580,
in get_info_for_discovery*
* ignore_check_interval=True, use_snmpwalk_cache=False)*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk_base.py", line
433, in get_realhost_info*
* output = get_agent_info(hostname, ipaddress, max_cache_age)*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk_base.py", line
740, in get_agent_info*
* output = get_agent_info_program(commandline)*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk_base.py", line
794, in get_agent_info_program*
* raise MKAgentError("Agent exited with code %d: %s" % (exitstatus,
*__main__.MKAgentError: Agent exited with code 1: Error while processing
received data*
Any help?
El jue., 15 nov. 2018 a las 13:37, Dollemore, Mark (London) (<
Actually looking at this again, I’m not sure this is the same problem I encountered.
Behalf Of *Gerardo Ferreyra
*Sent:* 15 November 2018 15:40
*Subject:* Re: [Check_mk (english)] CEE 1.4.0p34 vs vCenter 6.7.1
Anyone facing this? Something easy to fix on the code?
Hi guys.
I cannot get data from (new) vcenter 6.7.1 (6.7 update 1).
*Problem contacting agent: Agent exited with code 1: Traceback (most
recent call last):*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere",
line 1188, in <module>*
* retrieve_systeminfo()*
* File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere",
line 1153, in retrieve_systeminfo*
* systeminfo[entry] = function and function(element[0]) or element[0]*
*ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 6.7.1*
Any ideas?
This email has been sent by a member of the Man group (“Man”). Man’s
parent company, Man Group plc, is registered in England and Wales (company
number 08172396) at Riverbank House, 2 Swan Lane, London, EC4R 3AD. The
contents of this email are for the named addressee(s) only. It contains
information which may be confidential and privileged. If you are not the
intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately, destroy this
email and any attachments and do not otherwise disclose or use them. Email
transmission is not a secure method of communication and Man cannot accept
responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of this email or any
attachments. Whilst Man makes every effort to keep its network free from
viruses, it does not accept responsibility for any computer virus which
might be transferred by way of this email or any attachments. This email
does not constitute a request, offer, recommendation or solicitation of any
kind to buy, subscribe, sell or redeem any investment instruments or to
perform other such transactions of any kind. Man reserves the right to
monitor, record and retain all electronic and telephone communications
through its network in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
During the course of our business relationship with you, we may process
your personal data, including through the monitoring of electronic
communications. We will only process your personal data to the extent
permitted by laws and regulations; for the purposes of ensuring compliance
with our legal and regulatory obligations and internal policies; and for
managing client relationships. For further information please see our
Privacy Notice: https://www.man.com/privacy-policy
Torben Møller
2018-11-29 07:49:43 UTC

We were running same CEE 1.4.0p34 and upgraded our vCenter to v6.7.1 and lost possibility to monitor ESX.

Have made the upgrade to 1.5.0p7 on our test-site and try to get monitoring again to the vCenter v6.7.1 re-established.

cmk -v -p -n --debug -II “vCenter-name”
Discovering services on: “vCenter-name”
[special_vsphere] Execute data source
[piggyback] Execute data source
Storing piggyback data for:

esx_vsphere_hostsystem does not support discovery. Skipping it.
esx_vsphere_hostsystem.cpu_util_cluster does not support discovery. Skipping it.
esx_vsphere_hostsystem.mem_usage_cluster does not support discovery. Skipping it.
72 esx_vsphere_datastores
1 esx_vsphere_hostsystem.cpu_usage
1 esx_vsphere_hostsystem.maintenance
1 esx_vsphere_hostsystem.mem_usage
10 esx_vsphere_hostsystem.multipath
1 esx_vsphere_hostsystem.state
202 esx_vsphere_objects
1 esx_vsphere_objects.count
1 esx_vsphere_sensors
SUCCESS - Found 290 services
OMD[cmkdev]:~$ cmk -O
Generating configuration for core (type cmc)...OK
Packing config...OK
Reloading monitoring core...OK

From here actually all looks okay – but the 290 service-check in the GUI remain in the “pending” state except two


Any suggestions?

Torben MÞller

From: checkmk-en <checkmk-en-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de> On Behalf Of Gerardo Ferreyra
Sent: 16. november 2018 18:16
To: Dollemore, Mark (London) <***@man.com>
Cc: <checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de> <checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de>
Subject: Re: [Check_mk (english)] CEE 1.4.0p34 vs vCenter 6.7.1

Mark, guys.

I overwrite completely 1.4.0p34 version with 1.5.0p7.

EXCELLENT. We're back in business.


El vie., 16 nov. 2018 a las 10:05, Gerardo Ferreyra (<***@gmail.com<mailto:***@gmail.com>>) escribió:
Please and thank you!

El vie., 16 de nov. de 2018 06:29, Dollemore, Mark (London) <***@man.com<mailto:***@man.com>> escribió:
I will try and get our lab updated to 6.7.1 and see if I can replicate the issue.

From: Gerardo Ferreyra [mailto:***@gmail.com<mailto:***@gmail.com>]
Sent: 15 November 2018 18:34
To: Dollemore, Mark (London); <checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de<mailto:checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de>>
Subject: Re: [Check_mk (english)] CEE 1.4.0p34 vs vCenter 6.7.1

Hi mark.
I tried p37, but no luck. I'm back on 34.

So, the only changes between 34 and 37:

systemfields = [
("apiVersion", float),
("name", None),
("rootFolder", None),
("perfManager", None),
("sessionManager", None),
("licenseManager", None),
("propertyCollector", None),
("version", None),
("build", None),
("vendor", None),
("osType", None),

systemfields = [

2) Before

def retrieve_systeminfo():
global systeminfo
# Retrieve basic data, which requires no login
payload = telegram_list["systeminfo"]
reply_code, reply_msg, reply_headers, reply_data = query_server(payload)
for entry, function in systemfields:
element = get_pattern("<%(entry)s.*>(.*)</%(entry)s>" % { "entry": entry }, reply_data)
if element:
systeminfo[entry] = function and function(element[0]) or element[0]


def retrieve_systeminfo():
global systeminfo
# Retrieve basic data, which requires no login
payload = telegram_list["systeminfo"]
reply_code, reply_msg, reply_headers, reply_data = query_server(payload)
for entry in systemfields:
element = get_pattern("<%(entry)s.*>(.*)</%(entry)s>" % { "entry": entry }, reply_data)
if element:
systeminfo[entry] = element[0]

Not working. Same error.
I added your idea:

# Check MK header and Agent Version
output("Version: %.1f" % float(systeminfo["apiVersion"]))
output("AgentOS: %s" % systeminfo["name"])

# Check MK header and Agent Version
output("Version: %.1f" % float(systeminfo["apiVersion"]))
output("AgentOS: %s" % systeminfo["name"])

Debug output:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk.py", line 4881, in <module>
do_discovery(hostnames, check_types, seen_I == 1)
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 80, in do_discovery
do_discovery_for(hostname, check_types, only_new, use_caches, on_error)
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 100, in do_discovery_for
new_items = discover_services(hostname, check_types, use_caches, do_snmp_scan, on_error)
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 735, in discover_services
return services + discover_services_impl(hostname, check_types, use_caches, on_error, ipaddress)
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 750, in discover_services_impl
use_caches, on_error, use_snmp):
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 879, in discover_check_type
info = get_info_for_discovery(hostname, ipaddress, section_name, use_caches)
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 580, in get_info_for_discovery
ignore_check_interval=True, use_snmpwalk_cache=False)
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk_base.py", line 433, in get_realhost_info
output = get_agent_info(hostname, ipaddress, max_cache_age)
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk_base.py", line 740, in get_agent_info
output = get_agent_info_program(commandline)
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk_base.py", line 794, in get_agent_info_program
raise MKAgentError("Agent exited with code %d: %s" % (exitstatus, stderr))
__main__.MKAgentError: Agent exited with code 1: Error while processing received data

Any help?

El jue., 15 nov. 2018 a las 13:37, Dollemore, Mark (London) (<***@man.com<mailto:***@man.com>>) escribió:
Actually looking at this again, I’m not sure this is the same problem I encountered.

From: checkmk-en [mailto:checkmk-en-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de<mailto:checkmk-en-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de>] On Behalf Of Gerardo Ferreyra
Sent: 15 November 2018 15:40
To: <checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de<mailto:checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de>>
Subject: Re: [Check_mk (english)] CEE 1.4.0p34 vs vCenter 6.7.1

Anyone facing this? Something easy to fix on the code?


El jue., 15 nov. 2018 a las 1:53, Gerardo Ferreyra (<***@gmail.com<mailto:***@gmail.com>>) escribió:
Hi guys.
I cannot get data from (new) vcenter 6.7.1 (6.7 update 1).

Problem contacting agent: Agent exited with code 1: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere", line 1188, in <module>
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere", line 1153, in retrieve_systeminfo
systeminfo[entry] = function and function(element[0]) or element[0]
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 6.7.1

Any ideas?


This email has been sent by a member of the Man group (“Man”). Man’s parent company, Man Group plc, is registered in England and Wales (company number 08172396) at Riverbank House, 2 Swan Lane, London, EC4R 3AD. The contents of this email are for the named addressee(s) only. It contains information which may be confidential and privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately, destroy this email and any attachments and do not otherwise disclose or use them. Email transmission is not a secure method of communication and Man cannot accept responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of this email or any attachments. Whilst Man makes every effort to keep its network free from viruses, it does not accept responsibility for any computer virus which might be transferred by way of this email or any attachments. This email does not constitute a request, offer, recommendation or solicitation of any kind to buy, subscribe, sell or redeem any investment instruments or to perform other such transactions of any kind. Man reserves the right to monitor, record and retain all electronic and telephone communications through its network in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

During the course of our business relationship with you, we may process your personal data, including through the monitoring of electronic communications. We will only process your personal data to the extent permitted by laws and regulations; for the purposes of ensuring compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations and internal policies; and for managing client relationships. For further information please see our Privacy Notice: https://www.man.com/privacy-policy<https://emea01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.man.com%2Fprivacy-policy&data=02%7C01%7Ctorben.moeller%40lego.com%7C8f31b34422b544345c8d08d64beb7ef9%7C1d0635156cad41959486ea65df456faa%7C0%7C0%7C636779872156368765&sdata=FxJ9XladSJVgO%2Frw6OZ2jKTFWNeAOGv81tw9q10gq7U%3D&reserved=0>
Dollemore, Mark (London)
2018-11-15 16:45:39 UTC
Ignore previous post, check out Werk #6808, looks like it has been fixed in 1.4.0p37

From: checkmk-en [mailto:checkmk-en-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de] On Behalf Of Gerardo Ferreyra
Sent: 15 November 2018 15:40
To: <checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de>
Subject: Re: [Check_mk (english)] CEE 1.4.0p34 vs vCenter 6.7.1

Anyone facing this? Something easy to fix on the code?


El jue., 15 nov. 2018 a las 1:53, Gerardo Ferreyra (<***@gmail.com<mailto:***@gmail.com>>) escribió:
Hi guys.
I cannot get data from (new) vcenter 6.7.1 (6.7 update 1).

Problem contacting agent: Agent exited with code 1: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere", line 1188, in <module>
File "/omd/sites/prod/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere", line 1153, in retrieve_systeminfo
systeminfo[entry] = function and function(element[0]) or element[0]
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 6.7.1

Any ideas?


This email has been sent by a member of the Man group (“Man”). Man’s parent company, Man Group plc, is registered in England and Wales (company number 08172396) at Riverbank House, 2 Swan Lane, London, EC4R 3AD.
The contents of this email are for the named addressee(s) only. It contains information which may be confidential and privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately, destroy this email and any attachments and do not otherwise disclose or use them. Email transmission is not a secure method of communication and Man cannot accept responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of this email or any attachments. Whilst Man makes every effort to keep its network free from viruses, it does not accept responsibility for any computer virus which might be transferred by way of this email or any attachments. This email does not constitute a request, offer, recommendation or solicitation of any kind to buy, subscribe, sell or redeem any investment instruments or to perform other such transactions of any kind. Man reserves the right to monitor, record and retain all electronic and telephone communications through its network in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

During the course of our business relationship with you, we may process your personal data, including through the monitoring of electronic communications. We will only process your personal data to the extent permitted by laws and regulations; for the purposes of ensuring compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations and internal policies; and for managing client relationships. For further information please see our Privacy Notice: https://www.man.com/privacy-policy