[Check_mk (english)] Folder to put my own plugins so that survives to updates
Davide Miccone
2018-12-02 11:02:30 UTC
I put some plugin in the folder /opt/omd/versions/1.5.0p9.cre/lib/nagios/plugins

When I update check_mk I need to copy again my plugin in the new folder (for example at the next version I have to copy my plugins to the folder /opt/omd/versions/1.5.0p10.cre/lib/nagios/plugins)

I read ton of documents and post of the mailing list.

I done ton of tentatives.

I can't find the right folder where can I put my plugins so that they are used with every version of check_mk

Anyone know if there is a folder where I can put my plugins?

Thank you

Davide Miccone. ***@wpweb.com<mailto:***@wpweb.com>
Andreas Döhler
2018-12-02 11:07:36 UTC
Hi Davide,

use the folder ~/local/lib/nagios/plugins inside your site.
Then use the user macro $USER2$ to address the folder at the definition of
active/passive classic checks.

Best regards
Post by Davide Miccone
I put some plugin in the folder
When I update check_mk I need to copy again my plugin in the new folder
(for example at the next version I have to copy my plugins to the folder
I read ton of documents and post of the mailing list.
I done ton of tentatives.
I can’t find the right folder where can I put my plugins so that they are
used with every version of check_mk
Anyone know if there is a folder where I can put my plugins?
Thank you
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