[Check_mk (english)] UNKNOWN - Cannot write cache file
Mark Anthony Delfin
2018-10-31 21:56:25 UTC
Hi List,

I copied one site to another to test upgrade. The copy went well but when
I started it all check_mk checks has an error UKNOWN - Cannot write cache

UNKNOWN - Cannot write cache file
/omd/sites/SITEA/tmp/check_mk/cache/sdgsw-syb51.sd.salmat.local: [Errno 13]
Permission denied: '/omd/sites/SITEA/tmp/check_mk/cache/HOSTA', execution
time 0.1 sec

UNKNOWN - User SITEB cannot write to
[Errno 13] Permission denied: '/omd/SITEA/sd/tmp/check_mk/counters/HOSTB',
execution time 0.4 sec
Mark Anthony Delfin
2018-10-31 22:09:39 UTC
I have searched the archives cmk -R fixed it.

Thanks all
Post by Mark Anthony Delfin
Hi List,
I copied one site to another to test upgrade. The copy went well but when
I started it all check_mk checks has an error UKNOWN - Cannot write cache
UNKNOWN - Cannot write cache file
/omd/sites/SITEA/tmp/check_mk/cache/sdgsw-syb51.sd.salmat.local: [Errno 13]
Permission denied: '/omd/sites/SITEA/tmp/check_mk/cache/HOSTA', execution
time 0.1 sec
UNKNOWN - User SITEB cannot write to
[Errno 13] Permission denied: '/omd/SITEA/sd/tmp/check_mk/counters/HOSTB',
execution time 0.4 sec
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