No this is no partition it is the tmp filesystem.
monitoring core is not correctly deleting this files after processing.
Remove all this files and restart your core.
Keep an eye on this folder. I think there is a fundamental problem inside
your system.
Post by Ralf PrengelHallo,
4 Gb for the whole partition?
Von meinem iPad gesendet
any help?!
du -sh tmp/*/*
4.0K tmp/apache/fcgid_shm
0 tmp/apache/fcgid_sock
4.0K tmp/apache/run
5.0M tmp/check_mk/cache
4.7M tmp/check_mk/check_includes
980K tmp/check_mk/counters
0 tmp/check_mk/piggyback
0 tmp/check_mk/piggyback_sources3.9G tmp/icinga/checkresults12K tmp/icinga/nagios.cfg
3.1M tmp/icinga/status.dat
0 tmp/icinga/tmp
4.0K tmp/lock/nagios.lock
44K tmp/nagvis/nagvis-conf-1.9.10-cache
4.0K tmp/nagvis/nagvis-conf-pre-user-1.9.10-cache
0 tmp/nagvis/share
4.0K tmp/nagvis/snapin-d751713988987e9331980363e24189ce-1.9.10.cache
0 tmp/nagvis/tmpl
4.0K tmp/php/session
0 tmp/php/upload
0 tmp/php/wsdl-cache
0 tmp/pnp4nagios/lock
4.0K tmp/pnp4nagios/run
4.0K tmp/pnp4nagios/stats
0 tmp/run/live
4.0K tmp/run/logrotate.state
0 tmp/run/nagios.cmd
0 tmp/run/rrdcached.sock
My check_mk stop updating the status of host because of no space on tmp folder!
OSError: [Errno 28] No space left on device
cd sitename
du -sh tmp/nagios/checkresults/
the size of tmp (tmpfs) is 4G.(auto created by omd)
I don't know why it store checkfile since 20 days ago! and storage become full!
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