[Check_mk (english)] Notifications configuration
Dr. Maik Götte
2018-11-12 07:07:14 UTC
Hi all

I have a question concerning notification configuration.

I have multiple cases, where a set of users (configured as contact group
A) want to view a set of hosts (host set X) in wato but DONT want to
receive email-notifications for them. Now, a subset of those users
(contact group B) want to receive emails for a subset of those hosts
(host group Y) and a different subset of users (contact group C) want to
receive mails for host group Z.

In short:

A: Wato for X, no Emails
B: Wato and mails for Y
C: Wato and mails for Z

Is there any filter setting in notifications to realize such a
configuration with one notification rule? Or do I have to build a lot of
- more or less - identical notifcation rules differing only in the
relationships contact/host group (which would be PITA)?

There's still the option to tell the users that the only way is getting
both, access to wato AND receiving mails, or nothing at all (which seems
to be check_mk philosphy). But I know they won't like that.

Best regards,
FRANK Michael
2018-11-12 07:32:54 UTC

In a default installation you have one rule in the global notification to send notifications to anybody. You can disable or delete this rule. Then you need one rule per contact group.
To be complete: you can have rules to exclude contacts which had been added to the list of notified contacts by a rule upstream in the list.
Thats pretty well documented.

Michael FRANK
Supervisor Global Monitoring Architecture
Faurecia Clean Mobility
T +49 821 4103 420<tel:+49%20821%204103%20420> ● M +49 171 9967 206<tel:+49%20171%209967%20206>
Faurecia Emissions Control Technologies, Germany GmbH- Biberbachstraße 9 – 86154 Augsburg – Germany<x-apple-data-detectors://1/1>

Sitz der Gesellschaft: Augsburg - Registergericht Augsburg HR B 20757
GeschÀftsfÌhrer: Mathias Miedrich, Françoise Crenn, Thomas Hanak
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Christophe Schmitt

Am 12.11.2018 um 08:12 schrieb Dr. Maik Götte <***@uni-kassel.de<mailto:***@uni-kassel.de>>:

Hi all

I have a question concerning notification configuration.

I have multiple cases, where a set of users (configured as contact group A) want to view a set of hosts (host set X) in wato but DONT want to receive email-notifications for them. Now, a subset of those users (contact group B) want to receive emails for a subset of those hosts (host group Y) and a different subset of users (contact group C) want to receive mails for host group Z.

In short:

A: Wato for X, no Emails
B: Wato and mails for Y
C: Wato and mails for Z

Is there any filter setting in notifications to realize such a configuration with one notification rule? Or do I have to build a lot of - more or less - identical notifcation rules differing only in the relationships contact/host group (which would be PITA)?

There's still the option to tell the users that the only way is getting both, access to wato AND receiving mails, or nothing at all (which seems to be check_mk philosphy). But I know they won't like that.

Best regards,

checkmk-en mailing list
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This electronic transmission (and any attachments thereto) is intended solely for the use of the addressee(s). It may contain confidential or legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of this message, you must delete it immediately and notify the sender. Any unauthorized use or disclosure of this message is strictly prohibited. Faurecia does not guarantee the integrity of this transmission and shall therefore never be liable if the message is altered or falsified nor for any virus, interception or damage to your system.
Dr. Maik Götte
2018-11-12 08:06:03 UTC
Hi Michael,

thank you for your answer. Yeah, that's what I found. I hoped there is
some trick/filter-combination to get around in-/excluding by a bunch of
additional notification rules.

Best regards,
Post by FRANK Michael
In a default installation you have one rule in the global notification
to send notifications to anybody. You can disable or delete this rule.
Then you need one rule per contact group.
To be complete: you can have rules to exclude contacts which had been
added to the list of notified contacts by a rule upstream in the list.
Thats pretty well documented.
*Michael FRANK**
*Supervisor Global Monitoring Architecture
Faurecia Clean Mobility
T +49 821 4103 420 <tel:+49%20821%204103%20420> ● M +49 171 9967 206
Faurecia Emissions Control Technologies, Germany GmbH- Biberbachstraße 9
– 86154 Augsburg – Germany <x-apple-data-detectors://1/1>
Sitz der Gesellschaft: Augsburg - Registergericht Augsburg HR B 20757
GeschÀftsfÌhrer: Mathias Miedrich, Françoise Crenn, Thomas Hanak
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Christophe Schmitt
Post by Dr. Maik Götte
Hi all
I have a question concerning notification configuration.
I have multiple cases, where a set of users (configured as contact
group A) want to view a set of hosts (host set X) in wato but DONT
want to receive email-notifications for them. Now, a subset of those
users (contact group B) want to receive emails for a subset of those
hosts (host group Y) and a different subset of users (contact group C)
want to receive mails for host group Z.
A: Wato for X, no Emails
B: Wato and mails for Y
C: Wato and mails for Z
Is there any filter setting in notifications to realize such a
configuration with one notification rule? Or do I have to build a lot
of  - more or less - identical notifcation rules differing only in the
relationships contact/host group (which would be PITA)?
There's still the option to tell the users that the only way is
getting both, access to wato AND receiving mails, or nothing at all
(which seems to be check_mk philosphy). But I know they won't like that.
Best regards,
checkmk-en mailing list
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This electronic transmission (and any attachments thereto) is intended
solely for the use of the addressee(s). It may contain confidential or
legally privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient of
this message, you must delete it immediately and notify the sender. Any
unauthorized use or disclosure of this message is strictly prohibited.
Faurecia does not guarantee the integrity of this transmission and shall
therefore never be liable if the message is altered or falsified nor for
any virus, interception or damage to your system.
Mike Wilson
2018-11-28 18:46:24 UTC
We recently have begun testing esxi 6.7 and on those hosts we now see
the following error when trying to connect with our user.
Agent exited with code 1: Cannot connect to vSphere Server. Maybe you
provided wrong credentials. Please check your connection settings and
We are running an older version of check_mk (1.2.6p7).

I'm guessing from the output that checkmk is expecting a different
format of the esxi version than it's getting.

We can manually login with the user/creds on the host so im sure the
login/pwd is correct. I've also tried adjust perms to full admin on the
user and that didn't help.
Mike Wilson
Andreas Döhler
2018-11-29 08:37:17 UTC
Hi Mike,

yes it is a problem with the version string reported from the ESX server.
Old ESX versions sent a number newer ones a string. This is the problem.
A quick test would be to setup a test site with the actual version
(1.5.0p8) and only check the actual ESX server with this test site.

It would not really possible to use the actual special agent with your old
installation I think.

Best regards
Post by Mike Wilson
We recently have begun testing esxi 6.7 and on those hosts we now see
the following error when trying to connect with our user.
Agent exited with code 1: Cannot connect to vSphere Server. Maybe you
provided wrong credentials. Please check your connection settings and
We are running an older version of check_mk (1.2.6p7).
I'm guessing from the output that checkmk is expecting a different
format of the esxi version than it's getting.
We can manually login with the user/creds on the host so im sure the
login/pwd is correct. I've also tried adjust perms to full admin on the
user and that didn't help.
Mike Wilson
checkmk-en mailing list
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Mike Wilson
2018-11-29 15:24:06 UTC
Post by Andreas Döhler
Hi Mike,
yes it is a problem with the version string reported from the ESX server.
Old ESX versions sent a number newer ones a string. This is the problem.
A quick test would be to setup a test site with the actual version
(1.5.0p8) and only check the actual ESX server with this test site.
It would not really possible to use the actual special agent with your
old installation I think.
Thanks for the details. That is what I expected. We've been needing to
update for a while.
Mike Wilson
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