[Check_mk (english)] mk_jolokia over https failing
Dave Ford
2018-10-23 13:22:48 UTC
I'm trying to get jolokia monitoring working with Check-MK but am
failing to get it working over a https connection.

I'm using the newest jolokia wars that require authentication, and
while this is working fine over http, I cannot get mk_jolokia to work
using https.

I suspect the problem I'm having is not being able to specify the
cert_path correctly.

The server has been configured with a certficiate from Let'sEncrypt and
is trusted when I use curl. 

However, if I specify the fullchain.pem file containing the certificate
and it's full chain, I get:

ERROR: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate
verify failed (_ssl.c:590)>

My /etc/check_mk/jolokia.cfg contains

suburi   = "jolokia"
server = "myserver.host.name"
user = "jolokia"
password = "myjolokiapassword"
mode = "digest"
protocol = "https"
cert_path = "/etc/letsencrypt/live/myserver.host.name/fullchain.pem"

I'm running this on a box with tomcat 8.5, jolokia 1.6 and python

Check_mk works if I used http connections - so otherwise my tomcat
setup us fine. But I'd much prefer to use a https connection for
jolokia so I can remove the http connector in tomcat completely.

Dave Ford
2018-10-23 13:48:38 UTC
Post by Dave Ford
My /etc/check_mk/jolokia.cfg contains
mode = "basic_preemptive"
protocol = "https"
cert_path = ""
And, of course, as soon as I post the previous email, I discover that
check_mk is working with jolokia over https, but only with this
specific combination of settings.

Can someone either explain or point me to documentation that explains
why setting a cert_path to an empty string makes it work and what the
difference between 'digest' mode and 'basic_preemptive' is?

