[Check_mk (english)] Check_MK support for vCenter running ESXi 6.7 Update 1
Torben Møller
2018-11-13 09:01:00 UTC

We just upgraded a couple of our vCenter server to the ESXi 6.7 Update1 released from VMware last month.

After the upgrade Check_MK no longer is able to connect and monitor these.
The error message while trying to talk to the agent is following

[Loading Image...]<javascript:start_host_diag_test('agent',%20'vc3.corp.lego.com');>

Agent exited with code 1: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/omd/sites/Nagios01_East/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere", line 1188, in <module>
File "/omd/sites/Nagios01_East/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere", line 1153, in retrieve_systeminfo
systeminfo[entry] = function and function(element[0]) or element[0]
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 6.7.1

We are running Check_MK CEE v1.4.0p34
Have been looking at werks for newer releases but does not see any record on this error being corrected.

Anyone having same issue or can Check_MK confirm if and/or when we might have a version that support the ESXi 6.7.1 release?


Torben Møller
Stefan Sticht via checkmk-en
2018-11-13 09:29:47 UTC

try a version which has Werk #6808 included.

Post by Torben Møller
We just upgraded a couple of our vCenter server to the ESXi 6.7
Update1 released from VMware last month.
After the upgrade Check_MK no longer is able to connect and monitor these.
The error message while trying to talk to the agent is following
line 1188, in <module>
line 1153, in retrieve_systeminfo
systeminfo[entry] = function and function(element[0]) or element[0]
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 6.7.1
We are running Check_MK CEE v1.4.0p34
Have been looking at werks for newer releases but does not see any
record on this error being corrected.
Anyone having same issue or can Check_MK confirm if  and/or when we
might have a version that support the ESXi 6.7.1 release?
Torben Møller
checkmk-en mailing list
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Randal, Phil
2018-11-13 09:57:19 UTC
We're running 1.5.0p7 against esxi 6.7U1 hosts without problems, apart from the below, which happens with all versions of ESXi we've pointed check_mk at (5.5, 60., 6.7, 6.7U1):

Check_mk status detail "OK - [special_vsphere] Version: unknown, OS: unknown, execution time 1.0 sec".

I'm not sure what caused that regression or how to fix it.



From: checkmk-en <checkmk-en-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de> On Behalf Of Stefan Sticht via checkmk-en
Sent: 13 November 2018 09:30
To: checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de
Subject: Re: [Check_mk (english)] Check_MK support for vCenter running ESXi 6.7 Update 1


try a version which has Werk #6808 included.


On 11/13/18 10:01 AM, Torben Møller wrote:

We just upgraded a couple of our vCenter server to the ESXi 6.7 Update1 released from VMware last month.

After the upgrade Check_MK no longer is able to connect and monitor these.
The error message while trying to talk to the agent is following


Agent exited with code 1: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/omd/sites/Nagios01_East/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere", line 1188, in <module>
File "/omd/sites/Nagios01_East/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere", line 1153, in retrieve_systeminfo
systeminfo[entry] = function and function(element[0]) or element[0]
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 6.7.1

We are running Check_MK CEE v1.4.0p34
Have been looking at werks for newer releases but does not see any record on this error being corrected.

Anyone having same issue or can Check_MK confirm if and/or when we might have a version that support the ESXi 6.7.1 release?


Torben Møller


checkmk-en mailing list


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Torben Møller
2018-11-13 14:00:23 UTC

Found the werk #6808 included in v1.40p37 which was a minor upgrade from our current 1.40p34

Made an upgrade on this monitor instans and now received another message:

OMD[Nagios01_East]:~$ cmk -v -p -n --debug -II dkavmw-cji
Discovering services on dkavmw-cji:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/omd/sites/Nagios01_East/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk.py", line 4881, in <module>
do_discovery(hostnames, check_types, seen_I == 1)
File "/omd/sites/Nagios01_East/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 80, in do_discovery
do_discovery_for(hostname, check_types, only_new, use_caches, on_error)
File "/omd/sites/Nagios01_East/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 100, in do_discovery_for
new_items = discover_services(hostname, check_types, use_caches, do_snmp_scan, on_error)
File "/omd/sites/Nagios01_East/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 735, in discover_services
return services + discover_services_impl(hostname, check_types, use_caches, on_error, ipaddress)
File "/omd/sites/Nagios01_East/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 750, in discover_services_impl
use_caches, on_error, use_snmp):
File "/omd/sites/Nagios01_East/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 879, in discover_check_type
info = get_info_for_discovery(hostname, ipaddress, section_name, use_caches)
File "/omd/sites/Nagios01_East/share/check_mk/modules/discovery.py", line 580, in get_info_for_discovery
ignore_check_interval=True, use_snmpwalk_cache=False)
File "/omd/sites/Nagios01_East/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk_base.py", line 433, in get_realhost_info
output = get_agent_info(hostname, ipaddress, max_cache_age)
File "/omd/sites/Nagios01_East/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk_base.py", line 740, in get_agent_info
output = get_agent_info_program(commandline)
File "/omd/sites/Nagios01_East/share/check_mk/modules/check_mk_base.py", line 794, in get_agent_info_program
raise MKAgentError("Agent exited with code %d: %s" % (exitstatus, stderr))
__main__.MKAgentError: Agent exited with code 1: Error while processing received data

Anyone found this?

Torben Møller
Infrastructure Engineer
Hybrid Computing



+45 20308127



From: checkmk-en <checkmk-en-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de> On Behalf Of Stefan Sticht via checkmk-en
Sent: 13. november 2018 10:30
To: checkmk-***@lists.mathias-kettner.de
Subject: Re: [Check_mk (english)] Check_MK support for vCenter running ESXi 6.7 Update 1


try a version which has Werk #6808 included.


On 11/13/18 10:01 AM, Torben Møller wrote:

We just upgraded a couple of our vCenter server to the ESXi 6.7 Update1 released from VMware last month.

After the upgrade Check_MK no longer is able to connect and monitor these.
The error message while trying to talk to the agent is following


Agent exited with code 1: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/omd/sites/Nagios01_East/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere", line 1188, in <module>
File "/omd/sites/Nagios01_East/share/check_mk/agents/special/agent_vsphere", line 1153, in retrieve_systeminfo
systeminfo[entry] = function and function(element[0]) or element[0]
ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 6.7.1

We are running Check_MK CEE v1.4.0p34
Have been looking at werks for newer releases but does not see any record on this error being corrected.

Anyone having same issue or can Check_MK confirm if and/or when we might have a version that support the ESXi 6.7.1 release?


Torben Møller


checkmk-en mailing list


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